Thursday, February 10, 2011

I guess it's time for a new start

I hadn't posted to my Musings blog since November and I guess it forgot about me as I couldn't get into it to blog.  So here I am after about 10 years with a new blog...I hope I'll be able to remember how to get here and actually have something to say if I do make it!!!

As for almost everyone in the country this has been a rough winter.  We actually had snow flurries the day after Christmas and while that isn't unheard of here in North Florida, it is rare.  In January we had a little over a week where the water bowls outside kept a cover of ice on them.  It's now February and while we've escaped the snows and icing that folks just a little north of us have had, it's still been severe.  Yet, we had almost a week of above normal highs/lows a while back.  Today it's rainy, windy, gray and cold.  No wonder folks are getting antsy and a little depressed.

My baby sister turned 62 last week. Wow!!  I actually remember the first time I saw her...I thought Mother was holding a doll that was for me.  I was a little surprised when I found out she was real!  What a beautiful baby doll!

Next week Jazzy will be 3 years old.  While the first 2 years were really bad at times, she's turned out to be an absolutely delightful dog!  She's very smart and very sweet and kind.  How blessed this home is to have her as a part of it!

Last Sunday my sister & I met our step-father, step-sister and her husband for lunch in Tallahassee.  It's almost like they are our only family since Mother died last March.  Bert, our step-father was 93 in November, but you really wouldn't know it.  He's spry, still drives, in fact he bought a new car 2 weeks ago, and golfs almost daily...he's also a HOOT!  We're fortunate that he still considers us family!

Well, I really should get dressed and brave this weather as I have a few errands to run.  I tend to spent a lot of time on the computer in this weather and my waist-line sure shows it!!

Till next time...bye!